Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Self- Care Morning Routine

This seems to be a hot topic lately.  I have had in the past a love hate relationship with self care.
As a mom I feel like there are only some many things I have energy for, and I feel like there are certain things that are more important than self care, like grocery shopping or going to the gym, or going to the library.

I used to think well, I don't really get that dirty, or my hair isn't really that greasy.  Then why should I wash it.  Why should I shower everyday?  Plus there were so many places I wanted to put my energy, I just didn't think it was worth it.

Lately I've heard this term a lot.  "Put your own oxygen mask on first. " Blah, blah, blah.  It can begin to sounds like a broken record.  Basically take care of yourself, and then take care of your kids.  It's easier said then done.  Right?

I am not saying you should go out and buy all new make-up or ten different curling irons.  It is fun to buy new make-up and hair products.  Sometimes that can motivate us to make some changes.  But we want these changes to be lasting.

So do what works for you.  If your self care consists of showering and scented chap stick then so be it.  Just the act of caring for your self will do wonders for your emotional and overall health.

Everyone's self-care will look different.  If you aren't used to wearing a lot of make-up don't go gung ho, just start with some mascara and lip gloss.  And slowly work your way up if that is what you choose.  I also totally recommend (since I am such an expert on this topic.. (haha)  is to have two different daily self care routines in the morning.  One for if you are in a hurry and one for if you have more time.  I tend to think well I don't have time to really get ready so I won't get ready at all.  Kind of an all or nothing type of person over here.  (Working on it do t worry)!  But ya even if you do t have time to do all you want to do.  Do something!!!  I am slowly starting to learn this for myself after 6 years into motherhood.  I hope you figure this out way before I did.

Let me know what morning routine works for you.  What tips and tricks do you have??  Please share?

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Summer Time and Bucket Lists

It's that time where we are all getting excited about all the fun things to do around town!

I know I have so many things I want to do that sometimes I don't know where to start.  I think if you are having a hard time starting your bucket list, then instead of thinking of things you want to do.  Start thinking of a theme you want for your summer.

 Do you want a book nerd theme where you go to the library and all you do is check out book, after book, and read 20 books to your kids?

Do you want this summer to be one of adventure and exploring different parks, playgrounds, lakes and  hiking all over nature parks?  Maybe you want to check out the zoo and ride the skyline over Africa? 

What about a Foodie Summer.  You coould hit up all the food trucks known to man.  Or you try out as many different doughnut shops as you can think of; and try to find the perfect doughtnut.  (Who are we kidding this will not be a hard challenge).  I have rarely had a bad doughnut.

Do you want to teach you kids to serve, cook, make beautiful art, sew, swim?

The possibilities are endless.

But what if you want a slooooow summer?  What if you are wanting to relax at home and kick up your feet and eat popsicles?  This is a good option too.  I am hoping to find a good balance of both worlds.

I am going to come up with a list for our family; one list that is a laid back list and one that is a little more involved.

Laid back Summer ideas
1.  Finger Paint
2. Play dough Party.  Invite some friends over to enjoy some homemade play dough and see who can come up with the best creation.
3.  Eat popsicles on a blanket at the park and look up to see what shapes you can see in the clouds.
4.  Go on a nature hike around your house and spot as many birds, leaves, flowers, bugs.  (Bring them home and tape them to a paper and identify them.)  (not the birds and bugs of course!)
5. Sprinkler-buy a cheap sprinkler and let the kids run wild.
6.Water balloon fight.
7. Sidewalk chalk
8. Make the best home-made chocolate chip cookies (then deliver them to friends or family)
9. Draw family portraits and them buy some cheap frames from the dollar store and frame them.
10. Go play in the sand at a nearby park and pretend you are actually at the beach.
11.  Play dress up and pretend.  Yes, moms you have to get dressed up too!  Even if it's just a silly hat or scarf!
12.  Roll down the hill at a nearby park.
13.  Catch lady bugs and butterflies
14.  Go ice blocking
15.  Pick up trash at a local park/walking trail
16.  Play Frisbee
17. Play catch and or wiffle ball
18.  make cards and take them to a nearby nursing home
19.  Have friends over for lemonade and popcorn
20.  Play in the rain on a rain day of course!  But watch out for that lighting!
21.  Let you kids be florists for the day; buy some flowers and cheap vases from the thrift store and use any outside greenery and flowers you might have and let the kids get to work.  Deliver flowers (anonymous if possible:)
22. Fly kites on a windy day
23. Play tag (my kids love when I play tag with them at the park)  it is the simplest yet most entertaining game!
24.  Movie marathon day (what kid is going to say no to this)
25.  Go on a bunny hunt.  Count how many bunnies you can find in your neighborhood.

More involved Summer ideas:
1.Art museums
2.Art classes
3.Splash Pad
4.Sno-cones, custard, ice cream
5. Kansas City Zoo
6.Deanna Rose Farmstead
7.State Captial
8.Topeka Zoo
9.Strawberry Hill Museum
11.Explore Brookside
12.Mall carousel
14.Road trip
15.  Lemonade Stand
16. Spa day, face mask, manicures, pedicures.  Don't forget to buy cucumbers this is the best part of any spa day!!
17.  Have tea time at a local tea room
18.  Go explore the downtown of one of the suburbs you have been wanting to get to  know better.
19.  Do face painting art on your kids.
20.  Dye Easter eggs if you didn't get around to doing it at Easter Time! (Like me)
21.  Tye die shirts
22.  Paint rocks and hide them at the park for others to find.  You can put inspirational quotes on them as well!
23.  Go blueberry picking and get their blueberry Lemonade!

Good luck this Summer.  Hope you found some summer ideas that are right for you!  Pretty sure we won't get to all of these but hopefully we will be able to check  off some!

Also comment and let me hear some of your great ideas!! 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Laundry- money and time saving tips!

Well I'll have you know laundry isn't on my list of fun these days; but with that said laundry does tend to get a bad rap at times. 

I sometimes enjoy laundry, and I sometimes loathe laundry.  However I do feel at times that laundry can be grounding.  It can cause you to slow down.  Stay indoors and chill back, and do some mundane tasks.  I know some people who watch movies while they fold and do it all in one day, and others who do one load a day and call it good. 

I can be either or.  Sometimes I do it all in a day and sometimes I do it through out the week.  I think I do prefer to do the majority of it all in one day.  When I focus on one task at a time I can get more into a groove/rhythm.  Mondays seem to be a good day for laundry.  Catching up from the weekend, and trying to figure out how all of these clothes got strung out all over the floor?

Here are a few things we do around our house to cut back on laundry time, no matter how much I might enjoy it ;)

1.  Keep the kids clothes to a minimum-  This is easier said than done.  Kids are constantly changing sizes, and it seems like the weather is so fickle at times you never know what clothes to have around.  Or there is a gift from friends or family that adds to the clothing pile. Being up on my clothing game is hard.  My goal/aim is to have 4-5 outfits for my kids.  2 church outfits and 2 pairs of pajamas.  That is all I feel they need/ all I feel I can handle with laundry.  

2. Having a designated towel-  One thing that has helped cut back on towel laundry is having our own designated color of towel.  My kids know which one is theirs and there is never any fighting over who gets who towels. Or she/he stole my towel.  It is a simple concept and I am glad we took the plunge to do it.  Now only if my husband and I could get on board with that concept!  We will end up washing the towels about 1-2 times per week.

3. I prefer to use a more natural type of detergent.  I will splurge more on a good laundry soap one  like seventh generation and just use less soap when I put it in the washing machine.

Seventh Generation™ Natural Liquid Laundry Detergent - Blue Eucalyptus and Lavender (150 oz)

Seventh Generation
I am a huge fan of lavender and could smell this scent all day!   

4.  Washing clothing in cold water.  I heard once upon a time that a lot of the electric bill was from the use the hot water heater.  This way I am not using more electricity then I have to.  I am sure my clothes could possibly be a littler cleaner if I would wash them in hot water but unless the load is really soiled, I stick with cold water.  

5.  Short cycle-  Somtimes I will also save time and money by using the 15 minute washing option on my washer.  I love it.  It is fast and I haven't really noticed a difference in cleanliness.  However if the kids have some clothing that is pretty bad you can bet that I will put if for the full cycle!
*oH and last tip, I know my mohter will cringe when she reads this....  I would say 80% of the time I don't fold my kids laundry or my laundry.  I will hang the dresses/ nicer items of my kids and then the rest I just put in their drawer unfolded... I do hang a lot of my clothing as well.  I feel like it can be easier/faster to hang then to fold.

Hope this was helpful for you.  What are some of your laundry saving money and time tips?  Let's hear what ya got for me!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Why I Y (YMCA that Is)

Today I want to talk a little bit about my decision to join the YMCA.  It all started when I realized that I needed to work out.  Not really to lose weight, or get a chiseled body, but to really feel healthy, and take care of my body.

I was hesitant at first to join the Y.  I did not want to spend  the $80 dollars a month on something I didn't know if I would use.  But how would I know if I would use it if I didn't give it a chance?  I struggled in the past with working out consistently.  I tried work outs at home and was never really successful at being consistent.  Usually my kids were right there interrupting my flow when I would try and do yoga poses.  It was near impossible for me not to get frustrated, and quit.

I have tried running in the past with no success.  I am not what you would call a morning person.  In order for me to have to run.  It would have had to be in the morning before everyone woke up.  I would run once or twice but could never stick with it.  I have tried a jogging stroller (which I would use occasionally.)

So  one of the draws to the YMCA was they had a day care for the majority part of the day.  This was huge for me.  I could work out, and the kids could play happy while I was away.  Instead of trying to interrupt me from my workout.  This was a game changer for me.

After having read the book Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin I realized somethings about my personality.  She talks about four different types of personalities.  While I won't go into too much detail:  The first is an Upholder, this person will keep commitments they make to themselves and to others.  Then there are Obligers.  I am an obliger.  Obligers will keep commitments mostly if they make it with another person but not typically a commitment they make it to themselves.  For example, If I tell myself I am going to run this morning, and then when the morning comes and I make up a list of excuses why I shouldn't.  However, if I had called up my friend the night before and asked them if they wanted to meet up at the park and then go for a run, I would be way more apt to do this.  It is all about accountability for me.  Next there are the questioners who will question everything and everyone before they will do it.  And then there are rebels who will make up their own rules and get others to follow along with it.  I do think we probably all possess some of these traits at different times in our lives, but probably one is more dominant in our personality.

So the whole point I am writing this is because I feel like there are some women out there who would be exercising if they found what works for them.  Not everyone needs to join a gym to exercise.  But for some like me it is a good kick starter.  If finding the motivation on your own isn't quite there yet.

I also felt that working out at the Y would give me some needed mental clarity that I just couldn't get at home with all the distraction of home and family.  And always something to clean up;)

You can join the YMCA for a year at a time, or a month at at time, if you are not sure you want to take the big commitment right at first.  Also they have an income based payment option if you are concerned about the cost.

So if you are thinking about joining the Y, I say Just Do It!

What has worked for you to motivate you to work out?  What helps you to be consistent?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

How to get rid of the postpartum blues before they begin.

What every Momma should know before they have a baby!

1.  If you start feeling down or don't feel quite like yourself tell someone!  Just the act of telling someone is healing and therapeutic.  This way you are not carrying the burden alone.  Negative thoughts breed negative thoughts, nip those thoughts in the bud at the beginning.  Don't let them stay for too long.  With that said it's OK to have a cruddy day or to feel down sometimes, but don't let it get the best of you.

2.  Get out of the house.  I remember my midwife telling me that you need to get out of the house. This is important when having a new child.  Get out of the house?  But where do I go?  Join a moms group!  This sounded daunting to me.  A moms group was something I had to commit to on a weekly basis.  This was not me at the time.  I didn't want to commit to something.  However looking back I wish I would have. I didn't have to go every single week if I didn't want to.  But what if I didn't like the other moms?  Find a new group.  There is no harm in that.  With that said I did make lots of play dates with other moms.  This was so fun for me.  I loved every minute of spending time with other moms and learning from them.  So whether you decide to join a moms group or make up your own.  Just do something.

3.  Don't take life too seriously.  My friend who had two children at the time said some words that stuck with me.  Judge Away!  While this is very hard for me as I tend to care too much about what people think of me; I think this will go along way when raising children.  Judge Away.  If your child doesn't have socks on at the grocery store, and everyone at the grocery store decides to tell you, you are an awful parent;  Let the the words come to mind JUDGE AWAY!  I mean life is not wrapped up in a pretty little package as some like to think. Sometimes just getting out of the house with a baby is a feat all on it's own.  You made it to the store to buy groceries, you deserve a gold medal.  And instead of patting you on the back for that you get criticized for not putting socks on your child, that will come off in ten seconds flat. So repeat in your mind, Judge Away and smile while doing so!

4. Make time for you.  You will hear this over and over and over.  It will probably begin to sound like a broken record.  I didn't do this much with my first child because I didn't really feel the need to as much.  However, I did schedule a massage for myself the second week after giving birth while, my mom was in town.  So that was nice! It can make a huge difference.  You might think you have to be selfless now that you are a mother.  That you have to give everything you have and are to this new baby.  Yes, be a good mother to your child, be a great mother to your child.  Be such a great mother to your child that you show him/her by your example that it is ok to take care of yourself.  Take a shower, work out to some yoga tapes.  Your child will learn from you how to take care of themselves one day.  No pressure, right!  Also a hot shower/bath at the end of the day goes a long way!  Another secret tip I learned from a mom friend!

5. Accept help and hire out help if you can afford it.  Support, support, support, whether you need to buy a ton of freezer meals the first few weeks  postpartum, do it.  Need to hire a cleaning lady to help out.  Do it!  You need all the support you can get.  If  Someone asks to come over and watch your child while you go take a shower LET THEM.  Someone did that for me and I will never forget it.  I'm so glad she didn't feel awkward asking me that, and I'm so glad that I had the courage to say Yes.  It feels so good relying on others for help. If people offer to bring you meals.  Let them.  Accept help. Pretty Please:)

*Please note that postpartum depression is a real thing.  If you are experiencing any signs of depression, sadness that won't go away, please tell your Dr. or Midwife and seek professional help.  You don't have to do it alone.  There is help available.