Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Self- Care Morning Routine

This seems to be a hot topic lately.  I have had in the past a love hate relationship with self care.
As a mom I feel like there are only some many things I have energy for, and I feel like there are certain things that are more important than self care, like grocery shopping or going to the gym, or going to the library.

I used to think well, I don't really get that dirty, or my hair isn't really that greasy.  Then why should I wash it.  Why should I shower everyday?  Plus there were so many places I wanted to put my energy, I just didn't think it was worth it.

Lately I've heard this term a lot.  "Put your own oxygen mask on first. " Blah, blah, blah.  It can begin to sounds like a broken record.  Basically take care of yourself, and then take care of your kids.  It's easier said then done.  Right?

I am not saying you should go out and buy all new make-up or ten different curling irons.  It is fun to buy new make-up and hair products.  Sometimes that can motivate us to make some changes.  But we want these changes to be lasting.

So do what works for you.  If your self care consists of showering and scented chap stick then so be it.  Just the act of caring for your self will do wonders for your emotional and overall health.

Everyone's self-care will look different.  If you aren't used to wearing a lot of make-up don't go gung ho, just start with some mascara and lip gloss.  And slowly work your way up if that is what you choose.  I also totally recommend (since I am such an expert on this topic.. (haha)  is to have two different daily self care routines in the morning.  One for if you are in a hurry and one for if you have more time.  I tend to think well I don't have time to really get ready so I won't get ready at all.  Kind of an all or nothing type of person over here.  (Working on it do t worry)!  But ya even if you do t have time to do all you want to do.  Do something!!!  I am slowly starting to learn this for myself after 6 years into motherhood.  I hope you figure this out way before I did.

Let me know what morning routine works for you.  What tips and tricks do you have??  Please share?